Other Products
Information on other products that may be included in your biomass heating systems.

Thermal Stores
Thermal stores or buffer tanks can be used to improve the efficiency of the operation of a wood fuelled boiler heating system. It needs to be sized correctly for the heating demands and may not be required in all situations.
We can advise you on the need for a thermal store.

Fuel Stores
There are an increasing number of solutions available to store wood pellets. From a purpose built store room to a flexible hopper bag designed to maximise the volume that can be stored in a small space whilst still able to deliver the pellets automatically to the boiler as needed.
We can let you know what your fuel store options are.
There are many options for storing your wood pellet fuel – We can advise on the most appropriate fuel store for your circumstances

The boiler may be simply fed from a silo by an auger screw.
A simple v-shaped floor allows pellets to feed into an auger running the length of the store. Good for large stores

Multiple boilers can be fed by multiple stores to provide full redundancy and failover, or simply a larger total output. In certain circumstances, boilers may share a single flue if appropriately sized.
A fuel store may be placed up 15m away from the boiler and fed using vacuum tubes. The pellets are sucked from a larger silo to the hopper attached to the boiler

External storage tanks are very popular and can usually go wherever the oil tank being replaced, once sat. Cladding and other screening can be attached to help it blend into the environment.
The innovative pellet mole allows you to use a more space-efficient flat bottomed store, and the “mole” moves around the store under its own vacuum pressure to reach all the pellets

Further information
For further information on any of our products or services please get in touch.
Call us free on 0330 22 33 868 or email us.
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